Week in Review on gillaspytraining.com:
Half-Kneeling Anti-Rotation Chop w/ Arms Extended
Here is a nice core anti-rotation drill. I like this one for some of the extra benefits as well.
An Underrated Good Nights Sleep
The difference in how you usually feel after a good nights sleep compared to a bad is unbelievable. Of course, sometimes there’s no consistency with how you’ll feel in a workout, but the majority of the time you feel much better overall on a good nights rest. So many good things happen while we sleep. Unfortunately, It’s really not prioritized enough.
Reverse Bear Crawl
Program the reverse bear crawl for shoulder health. Obviously I love the core work you get with this one, but being able to subtly put in drills to drive better shoulder function, while simultaneously getting performance based benefits is for sure an underrated concept.
Weight Transfer Part 2
Thought I would build on my previous weight transfer post from a couple weeks ago.
Heavy Pull-Up
Something Bobby has really started to enjoy is getting stronger with chin-ups and pull-ups. And it’s not a bad goal to have for a lot of people.